Du khách bị bắt ở Dubai vì chửi cảnh sát

An Adelaide man who allegedly swore at an undercover police officer in the United Arab Emirates has had his passport confiscated.

An Adelaide man who allegedly swore at an undercover police officer in the United Arab Emirates has had his passport confiscated.

Former Australian soldier Sun McKay, 32, was working as a private security consultant in Afghanistan when he was arrested for allegedly swearing at an airport policeman at Dubai late last month.

Mr McKay told Channel Seven that when he stepped out of a line in the departure lounge of the airport to use an ATM he was grabbed by the police officer.

“This guy in a blue shirt grabbed my wrist quite hard, pulled me towards him and started yelling at me in Arabic and I just said, `What the f–?” Mr Mckay said.

Mr McKay said when the police officer produced his ID he apologised, but was taken to a room and interrogated for three hours.

His passport was confiscated and he remains unable to leave the country while he awaits trial on charges of using insulting and inappropriate language to a police officer.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said Mr McKay refused consular help at the time and used insulting and inappropriate language towards consular staff after the airport incident.

He has since requested their help.

Mr. McKay faces a maximum three years jail

ĐIỀU NÊN rút ra từ bài viết này:

  • Mr McKay told Channel Seven that when he stepped out of a line in the departure lounge of the airport to use an ATM he was grabbed by the police officer.
  • His passport was confiscated and he remains unable to leave the country while he awaits trial on charges of using insulting and inappropriate language to a police officer.
  • Mr McKay said when the police officer produced his ID he apologised, but was taken to a room and interrogated for three hours.


Giới thiệu về tác giả

Linda Hohnholz

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